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    Domuschola International School: Germ-Free Campus

  • cambridge

    Your Child is Safe at Cambridge

Our advanced hygiene technology gives ALL these benefits...

  • Disinfect your house just once every 90 days.

  • Increased daily protection from 1 minute to 24 hours.

  • Daily handrub and disinfection savings of up to 70%.

  • Moisturizing, odorless, eco-friendly and non-staining product.

  • Adheres to almost all kinds of surfaces everywhere.

  • Electric-fence-like protection against bacteria, viruses, molds and protists - including enterobacter and similar species.

  • Proven and tested by international laboratories and institutions.

  • Proven and tested in the Philippines

  • Promotes overall protection for the self and the environment.

"It's like Iron Man protection - without the heavy iron." - Jaypee, HSI Apprentice

"Hygiene Science gives you ALL the benefits of a 360 degrees-full anti-microbial shield protection
- in a fraction of the time
- and without spending lots of money getting it...

What if you could disinfect your entire house for literally just once every three months? YES indeed, if you use an antimicrobial COATING, not a regular disinfectant.

By using Hygiene Pro:

Your wall, floor, carpet, rug, table, door knob, faucet, or bed-any surface-becomes an electric-fence protection that will kill microbes on contact.

You create a fresher and cleaner environment...dramatically reducing odor in the overused male comfort room by making it unlivable for bacteria.

You greatly reduce moldy odor caused by... molds.

You practically eliminate the disinfectant chemicals you dump to the environment.

Skeptical? Good. Read on.

The regular laborious way of cleaning

Rigorously mopping, cleaning, wiping every afternoon while everyone is out every other day. Tirelessly washing and scrubbing all the furniture and tables... altogether using different kinds of disinfectant and cleaner-regularly...

and then you find out you're not protected after all.

A not-too-well-known fact:

"Disinfectants are only actively killing germs

when they are wet...they already disintegrate

and become inactive once dry.."

Which is why you need to apply that disinfectant as frequently as you can. If you use a hand sanitizer, it stays wet for less than a minute. If you apply it 3 times a day, before each meal for example, you are really protected only for 3 minutes.

What happens in between applications? That's called the RECONTAMINATION ZONE. It is there where microbes are able to again multiply to contaminated levels. This is when you shake an infection-carrying hand, and you put your hand in your face, that infection moves it to your system. At best you acquire sniffles and cough. At worst, contagion sets it.

Unless the product stays active on the surface, you will always have recontamination zones regardless of how often you apply your alcogel sanitizer.

Which is why a broad-spectrum, food-safe, antimicrobial coating makes powerful sense.

"New methods to decontaminate the environment are constantly appearing on the market....The cleaning process itself could even be superseded by antimicrobial coatings for linen and curtains; furniture; clinical equipment; and general surfaces such [sic] floors, walls and doors. Practically anything that can be impregnated with chemicals, or coated with microbiocidal paint, could be marketed as 'antibacterial' for healthcare environments."

Dr. Stephanie J. Dancer, "The Role of Hospital Cleaning in Controlling Infection," International Hospital, December 2011/January 2012, 14.

But since the coating is invisible, how to you know it's there? Hygiene PRO surface coating and Hygiene 24 hand shield's real-time presence as a durable active barrier can be demonstrated through at least 3 scientific ways: bromophenol blue test, ATP test and actual laboratory microbe count many days-even weeks-after application.

Households, hospitals and food industries must use these products, for the sake of the innocent children, patients, and consumers, respectively.

Good news: these products are now in the Philippines! The active ingredient is called stable 3-trihydroxysilyl propyl dimethyl octadecyl ammonium chloride, or HD5™ for short.

You will be pleased to know that active ingredient HD5 in Hygiene Pro surface coating continuously kills these dreaded pathogens for weeks, on a SINGLE application:

MRSA and VRE in hospitals, nursing homes, locker rooms, nurseries and animal farms,
ENTEROBACTER plaguing the food manufacturing industry
ENTEROVIRUS that has arrived from Cambodia
E COLI in cellphones, ice cubes, shopping carts and remote controls

Did you know that the same HD5 in Hygiene 24 hand shield continuously kills those same pathogens for one whole day on a SINGLE handrub, and withstand 10 handwashings with soap?

So with all these benefits, why isn't everyone panic-buying? Simple answer: people are not aware.

But now you know. To get these products, you have to have a direct contact with a Hygience Science distributor to supply you specifically.

Connect to Hygiene Science

If our authorized partners haven't reached you yet and you would like to connect with the products then you can directly call these hotline numbers: (02) 836-5868 and 836-5885.

...and did we almost forget to mention that Hygiene Science is the first and only registered source of that powerful HD5: pure active in pure water. No preservatives or stabilizers that can harm people, pets and environment.

This means that within a very short period of time-days instead of years-you could begin receiving all the benefits I just mentioned-the physical health benefits, the cost-saving benefits, the less-effort-for-cleaning benefits, the safe and sound feeling benefits, and the overall sense of worry-free benefits.

And, for protection against microbes, why get...

..either that disinfectant spray, disinfecting liquid,

cleaning wax, ultra-clean detergent, cleansing soap,

and those handy-hand-sanitizers, or all of them?

Today Hygiene Science technology simplifies and assures your protection. Start using Hygiene 24 hand shield and Hygiene PRO® surface coating, and instantly and conveniently place yourself in long lasting hygiene zone, every time.

It's easy to use.

You can handrub just 1 ml of Hygiene 24 every morning and you're done.

You can coat your cellphone, table or any surface with Hygiene Pro by wiping, spraying or misting.

You can contact us or our authorized partners for misting service inquiries.

It's inexpensive.

Because Hygiene 24 is hand-rubbed only once a day your daily hand sanitation cost goes down and convenience goes up.

Because Hygiene Pro is a coating and stays for weeks, you save on frequent disinfection labor and material cost, and save the environment from too much chemicals.

And, that's what we suggest you do-try it, test it and be convinced.

Hygiene 24 and Hygiene PRO® anti-microbial shield technology will:

  • Bond to any surface and protect that with an anti-microbial barrier that continuously kills microbes...

  • Give you time-savings and cost-efficient, realtime defense.

  • Reduce your cleaning and disinfecting routines.

  • Help lower your stress levels related to dangerous but unseen microbes.

Connect with us:
Hygiene Science® is a registered trademark of TAO Corporation
© 2012 Hygiene Science. All Rights Reserved.

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Dohle Ship Management Now 24/7 Hygiene-Protected

Döhle (IOM) Ltd is a global ship management services business of The Peter Döhle Group headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.

The company has offices in Philippines, the Isle of Man, India, Poland, the Ukraine and Romania and provides crew, technical, commercial and corporate management.

Döhle (IOM) Ltd operates in accordance with the International Safety Management Code (ISM) and the International Standards ISO 9001. In their Philippine office is located in Dohle Haus Manila. 30-38 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Barangay San Isidro Makati City. (Website: http://www.doehle-iom.com)

In keeping with their food safety policy, Executive Chef Roberto Gabriel of their Philippine subsidiary has recently availed of the hygiene products and services of Hygiene Science Inc. In an interview, Chef Robert reveals his thoughts:

What is Dohle main activity in the Philippines?
"We train our own ship crew for our global shipping services. We have 250 office employees at the present."

What makes you different from your competitors?
"Most shipping companies have food establishments. I have to rely on technology and training of my staff to improve our processes that make us ahead of competitors. But beyond this training and knowledge of the manpower and staff I have to have the right chemicals like Hygiene Pro (and "Pro" means "professional" to me). If I have these types of chemicals) I protect my staff and our crew, and I’m proud to know that my kitchen facilities are more advanced".

What made you try the Hygiene Pro?
"At first I had some doubts about the efficacy of the chemical (Hygiene Pro), but because of the numerous lab tests presented, and the impressive actual tests results in my kitchen, I decided to try it. I have a futuristic approach in our business to try out and fit in the technology. Life is about technology and we have to move forward with it."

Did the product increase your disinfection cost?
"The way I see it, if I use it as advised it is not too expensive especially if I compare it to the standard product that I am using."

What was your experience?
"I found out that Hygiene Pro decreases the number or the volume of chemical that you use, environment friendly and safe on food, which is very important to us."

What should the world know about your company?
"We are devoted to being a world class ship management company with strong international presence. We are proud of our kitchen (we also call it galley) where we train the chief cook for the vessels, and now we train them in sanitation and hygiene. I think all ship management like companies should test and use Hygiene Pro and Hygiene 24 like we do. It’s really a big disadvantage and sometimes fatal to have sickness out in the sea.

What hygiene goals are you trying to achieve?
"With what I know and what I've experienced, the concept of antimicrobial coating is more advanced and effective than plain disinfectant. I would like to see Hygiene Pro and Hygiene 24 being used in all the aspects of the building, such as the public areas like toilet and small pantries of the building. I will propose to top management to use them to make the areas safe from all kinds of contaminants. But now my priority is in the kitchen."

How do you feel about being "Certified Hygiene-Protected?"
"Well in these days, all companies in the same business are ISO certified. It would be to our company's advantage and pride to raise the hygiene standard through better technology, not cost. Being hygiene-certified is another feather on our cap. I am happy and my boss has peace of mind."